About Us

History of Clive Community Foundation
The Clive Community Foundation (CCF) was formalized in December 2013 as an affiliate of the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines. The Clive Community Foundation was formed to help connect donors with resources for supporting community betterment initiatives throughout the city of Clive.
As an affiliate of the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines, the Clive Community Foundation is confirmed in compliance with National Standards for US Community Foundations.
About Us
The Clive Community Foundation (CCF) is a conduit for residents, businesses and other stakeholders to donate funds for the betterment of our community.
Along with providing the depth of expertise and guidance for establishing the CCF, the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines provides cost-efficient access to world-class investment managers and alternative investment strategies only available to large institutional investors.
As a Foundation, we raise funds for distribution to local nonprofit organizations and special projects that enhance opportunities and community appeal for current and future residents, businesses and visitors alike.
Our Three Pillars

Quality of Life
Support for public art, parks and trails, and educational programming

Health and Wellness
Food assistance, nutrition education and health management resources

Partnering with civic organizations, neighboring cities and foundations, and other non-profits