Grant Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in the Clive Community Foundation. The following information will assist you in determining whether to apply to CCF for funding and explain how to proceed if you are eligible to do so. Please review the guidelines carefully.

The Clive Community Foundation was established in 2007 by a group of citizens to improve the quality of life for Clive residents and businesses by promoting charitable giving and connecting donors with causes they value and desire to support.

Mission: Igniting philanthropy through education, advocacy and pride in our beautiful, safe and distinct city.

Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis to qualifying organizations. Priority will be given to projects and programs which impact one or more of CCF’s Core Pillars:

Quality of Life– public art, parks and trails, and educational programming;
Health and Wellness – resources for food assistance, nutrition education and health management; 
Collaboration – partnering with civic organizations, neighboring cities and foundations, and nonprofits with shared missions. 



1. 501(c)(3) tax exempt, non-profit organizations
2. 170(c)(1) component units of government organizations (Fire Department, Ambulance, Libraries, Parks, etc.)
3. Organizations providing services within the City of Clive and/or significantly improving the Clive community and benefits Clive’s citizens.
4. The final report for all previous grants must be on file prior to submitting a new grant.

Competitive Criteria:
1. Criticality of need (for funding, for under-served population)
2. Degree of community support
3. Number of Clive residents who will benefit
4. Ability to measure impact on people or place
5. The project or program impacts one or more of CCF’s Core Pillars
6. Viability of project plan and its implementation (detail, timeliness, feasibility, verifiability)
7. Unique capacities of the applicant
8. Matching funds available
9. Stewardship of the applicant, including reliability of the applicant’s financial and accounting records
10. Ability to publicly recognize the Clive Community Foundation and its impact on Clive residents

The Clive Community Foundation board will not consider:
1. Grants to individuals
2. Operating expenses including salaries, utilities and annual campaigns
3. Projects not serving residents of Clive
4. Political parties, campaigns or partisan organizations
5. Grants for sectarian religious purposes

Grant recipients must provide CCF’s Board with an annual grant report and provide documentation to insure that funds are used in a manner consistent with the grant application and with the terms of the grant award.

We are now accepting grant applications – apply today!

Apply for Grant

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